Issue Position: Issues Affecting Women

Issue Position

While much progress has been made in recent decades toward eliminating discrimination against women and opening up a wide array of new opportunities, it is vitally important that we remain vigilant against efforts to turn back the clock on women's rights and freedoms, work to overcome barriers that still stand in the way of full gender equality and take action on problems that disproportionately affect women. The economic crisis in our state hits women especially hard because they still earn only 67 cents for every dollar that men earn, and women are often required to take on a range of duties in addition to work - from caring for children and elders to managing the household and family health. As we build a new economy in Michigan it is vital to ensure that women have the rights, tools and support required to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

As your state representative I will:

Fight to preseve a woman's right to choose and oppose efforts to hamper that right

Champion access to the full range of reproductive health care options

Support legislation to ensure pay equity protections for all workers and insist on enforcement of pay equity for men and women doing equal work

Work to ensure the availability of quality, affordable child care and early education programs

Advocate for enhanced support programs for domestic violence survivors
